
26 March 2011

Be Nice Or Leave

It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.

I bought a sign about five years ago "BE NICE OR LEAVE".  It hangs on on the inside of my back door ~ it's the last thing you see before walking out of the house and I just love it.  And...I believe every word of it!  I try to teach my kids to do their best and be nice ~ pure and simple ~ work hard ~ be nice.  With all the tragedy in the world, the tough economy, social over-networking (!), over committed lives we lead ......
we often forget the simple things in life.  Trust me, I'm not the perfect Mom that conveys calm positive messages to my children on a daily basis.  But, as I'm yelling at Dan to "get your  !*%#  laundry out of the dryer so I can put mine in" and at Kate to "hurry up and get in the car or the coach will make you and your entire team do laps".....I see the sign on my way out and am reminded to 
~ take a deep breath ~ 
and be nice.

Have you had a kindness shown?
Pass it on;
'Twas not given for thee alone,
Pass it on;
Let it travel down the years,
Let it wipe
another's tears,
'Til in Heaven the deed appears -
Pass it on.
~Henry Burton, 
Pass It On