
11 February 2011

HELP! I need a Technology Intervention!

You know you’ve hit rock bottom when your iphone charger is next to your bed …just in case an opponent should make a move in the middle of the night !  That’s right –

“Hi.  My name is Lisa and I am addicted to Online Scrabble and Words With Friends.”
I am not in the least bit a “techie” but I am attempting to remain somewhat hip by trying to keep up with my kids at least.  It probably started when I had to stalk my oldest son on Facebook – years ago – to keep a watchful eye on him.  That led me to my own personal Facebook and then to my Red Tulips Facebook page and now all of a sudden I’m tweeting, blogging and hiding in the bathroom playing word games on my iphone!  This is crazy!  I text my kids to take out the garbage and they’re in the basement – a yelling distance away! 

Is this the new ‘normal’? Is this how other families operate these days? I need feedback!  When I’m dead and gone will my kids say  “I miss Mom texting me to 'make good choices'” or “Mom came up with the highest word points ever!” ?!?!

Needless to say, I’m concerned.  Should we have a no phone/no computer time maybe on Sundays? Be careful what you wish right? ~ I’m not sure if I can go cold turkey!

The only thing I'm sure of (today anyway) ~ you can’t call me on my Kindle!

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